
Marijuana and the American Economy

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Should marijuana be legal? That's the question that Americans are being asked more frequently now. I personally believe that it should. I do not use marijuana, I have other reasons as to why this drug should be legal. There are countless ways marijuana could positive for the United States. Legalizing marijuana will lower the crime rate, and take out the cost it takes to arrest people involved with dealing or using. Marijuana helps people who need the drug for medical treatment, so it is unfair to keep this away from them. Marijuana could be a valuable agricultural crop, and open up countless jobs and trade throughout the country. These are just a few of the reasons marijuana should be a legal government regulated drug. Taxing marijuana would boost our economy like nothing you have ever seen. There is no negative to legalizing this drug from a financial standpoint. “Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation?and regulation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce?combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion?per year, finds a June 2005 report by Dr. Jeffrey Miron, visiting professor?of economics at Harvard University. The report has been endorsed by more than 530 distinguished economists,?who have signed an open letter to President Bush and other public officials?calling for “an open and honest debate about marijuana prohibition,” adding, “We ?believe such a debate will favor a regime in which marijuana is legal?but taxed and regulated like other goods” (Miron, 2010). With that being said it seems like a no brainer to legalize marijuana. I firmly believe that the crime rate would drop significantly if this drug were legalized. You would have a store designated to selling marijuana similar to a liquor store. This is a much a safer way to make a purchase compared to buying from a drug deal who most likely has a criminal record, and sells other dangerous drugs. Buying t

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