
Key Events in the Life of Oedipus

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1. Although Oedipus changes as a man, both emotionally and mentally, throughout his life, he is an overconfident man. We see his decisiveness in his ability to take action given the circumstances that arise in any situation. He even shows his confidence by proclaiming himself as being brilliant. He says "Here I am myself-you all know me, the world knows my fame. I am Oedipus (Sophocles 74-75).  This shows how confident he is regarding himself and what he feels others think about him. Furthermore, we see that Oedipus is able to foresee his subjects' desires. There was a point in his life where the people of Thebes request Oedipus to take action on the plague. Oedipus realizes this beforehand and took action by sending Creon to Delphi for advice. On the other hand, juxtaposed, we see his rash side as well. There was a point in his life where he came across a travelers who tried to move his from the crossroads, but were unable to do so. Being rash and not thinking about the assessing the situation properly he inadvertently killed the travelers showing his capacity to act rashly. A third trait that this famous man had was his determination. Throughout his life, Oedipus was seen as a man constantly seeking the truth. Constantly seeking to find the killer of Laius, Oedipus asks his messengers, Creon and even openly asks his subjects if they know of Laius's killers. This showed how determined this man was in trying to find the truth. 2. There have been many important events in Oedipus's life, but there are two main events which change his life forever. When Oedipus confronted the herdsman, Oedipus inquired about the history about the child of Jocasta and what was done with it. The herdsman said he "pitied it (Sophocles 1358)  and did not kill it as he was instructed to do so. Realizing this, came one of the most climactic points in Oedipus's life. He realized that he was that son; he realized that the man he killed was indeed his father;

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