In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie and his family are Jewish and in turn get sent to Birkenau. They were sent to Birkenau because Adolf Hitler had come to power just before World War II. Elie gets separated from his mother and sister who had been sent to the crematory. Elie had been fortunate enough that his father was sent to the same side as him. In Elie Wiesel's memoir, Night, he explores three themes: Mans inhumanity towards man, Elie's struggle to maintain faith, and the importance of a father and son relationship. The first example of theme is man's inhumanity towards others. Throughout the years, mankind has been very inhumane to each other, and It's inconceivable how cruel people can be. In Wiesel's memoir he recalls the train ride to the concentration camp when a woman went crazy because she had a foreshadowing vision about the impending gas chambers. Every now and then she would scream “FIRE! FIRE! JEWS LOOK AT THE FIRE!”. She was beaten for her crying out; Wiesel recalls that "they struck her several times on the head--- blows that might have killed her. Her little boy clung to her; he did not cry out; he did not say a word. He was not even weeping now.”(Wiesel 24). It was shocking and horrific that this woman was beaten. This shows how man doesn't really know how to respond to a situation of this magnitude. After arriving at Auschwitz, Wiesel was horrified to witness the inhumane treatment of the prisoners. When Wiesel is separated from his mother and sisters,he and his father are forced to walk towards the fire. Wiesel explains, “ Not far from us, flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry drove up at the pit and delivered its load--little children. Babies! Yes, i saw it--saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.”(Wiesel 30). It is surprising that they killed innocent babies just like it was nothing. Their hatred towards Jews was incredible. There are no words to describe their hatred. Another example of the cruelness the SS officers used was when the prisoners were running from camp to camp.The SS officers were forcing the prisoners to go faster than most of the slaves could go. Every time a prisoner would stop, fall down, or even slow down they would be killed. Wiesel explains to us what happened “Faster you swine, you filthy sons of bitches.” “An Every now and then, an explosion in the night. They had orders to fire on any who could not keep up. Their fingers on the triggers, they did not deprive themselves of this pleasure. If one of us stopped for a second, a sharp shot finished off another filthy son of a bitch.”(Wiesel 81). The prisoners were literally walking skeletons. Men (or what used to be men) were killed for stopping. The SS officers were on a killing spree; they were trigger happy. One last example of cruelness was when some of the other prisoners were beating Wiesel’s father because he had dysentery. Wiesel’s father was so ill that he couldn’t even get up out of his bed to go relieve himself. The other prisoners decided to jump on top of Wiesel’s father and abuse him for being ill. Wiesel remembers “They laughed. Then they got angry: they could not stand my father any longer, they said, because he was now unable to drag himself outside relieve himself.” “The