
Short Story - A Hunters Nightmare

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The alarm rang with seemingly utter anger at me as I tenderly rolled over to discontinue the horrid noise. The alarm ceased as I rolled over and peered through my window, the night was still a fierce black but the heavy white snowflakes illuminated the dark sky. I struggle to get down the stairs to the fridge which burst open with white luminescent filled with the promise of a delicious meal. To my sheer disappointment I walked back up the stairs with an empty stomach and began preparing myself for the most dramatic day of my life. I gingerly jumped in my camo overalls and zipped up my temperate jacket. I grab my unforgiving Remington 270 and forcefully loaded each bullet into the magazine as I began to walk outside. The blistering cold wind drumming against my face woke me from my zombie like state and sharpened my mind for the task ahead. The dense white ground made the journey to my blind even more wearisome than normal. I quietly set up in my tightly compressed blind and began my hunt. The glistening white woods began to shimmer as the sun peered its weary eyes over the horizon. I silently took out my binoculars and peered over the now visible canvass of land and my heart sank. To my disbelief, stood a twelve point poisoning in the distance declaring his dominance of the land. I reached for my rifle in what seemed like slow motion, I feared for if my eyes left the beast he would vanish back into the dream from which he must had come from. My hands shook as I adjusted the distance of my scope so I could clearly envision him. He was immaculate, the way his beige coat reflected of the snow was like nothing I had ever seen before. I swiftly collected myself and took aim, sweat trickled down my face as I directed the crosshairs next to his right shoulder. My body was overcome with numbness as I erratically grabbed the bolt and pushed in the remorseless bullet which would hopefully take the beast down. The click of the safety going off

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