Struck by extreme pain, she found out she was pregnant, again, with twins. “I couldn't be happier!” Jackie was jumping with joy, or at least hopping to some extent (immediately recalling she has a pair of babies developing inside of her). Only going in for a simple ultrasound to figure out why her uterus was so enlarged only about a week into her pregnancy, she had discovered the phenomenon of her predicament. Nermine insisted that throughout the dragging nine months, she just could not wait to finally give birth. However, noting by a few reactions, not everyone had considered these two new babies together as a blessing. Concerned with the economic situation of the now rapidly-growing family, Jackie's’ husband wasn't exactly thrilled. Recently making the big move from Egypt to America, the couple had to thrive on what little they had. (Finding a job was not the most simple of tasks for new coming Arabians considering the growing Al Qaeda terrorist group and the most recent 1993 world trade center bombing). Truthfully, he wasn’t sure if we could deal with two babies at the same time, and he wasn't even sure if he wanted to make the effort. In complete disbelief, Jackie disregarded her husbands’ mundane attitude towards her situation and attempted to focus on the good and make light of the little she had. Promptly drying her face, she picked herself up and ‘just kept swimming’. Jackie swooped up her mother several all months later to find out exactly what she was dealing with. The ultrasound technician immediately greeted them both with smiles and kind words; “A beautiful mother for two beautiful babies.” She insisted on how brave Jackie was for dealing with all of this by her own self. These words did not make her smile as well. The frown slowly crept across her cheeks and pulled down towards to surround her chin. A few moments later, the machines’ electrical hands were making its way through the blue goop spread throughout her ballooned stomach area. All hearts in the room were thumping vigorously but ever so still, just loud enough to feel the emotion confusions throughout the condensed area. A picture flashed across the screen, then another; both lacking color but not depth. Her mother spontaneously burst out into tears of both joy and disbelief. Both babies were females. “I’m going to have two granddaughters!” was the only statement the proud almost-grandmother could say (considering she had only