
Assessing the State of Political Parties in September, 2014

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The conservative party, the party that gained 306 seats in the 2010 general election and had to form a coalition with the liberal democrats by missing out by 20 seats to gain full control of the country, which in turn leads me on to my first success of the Conservatives, the way they have kept the coalition together. Cameron believed the coalition could "act for the long term and big decisions for the future." To the surprise of many opposition parties they have gained enough momentum to make a charge for the next general election. A big debate of the current times is the Scottish referendum, which confirmed a "No" vote. This referendum could have been both good and bad for Cameron and the conservatives. In the end it turned out to be good. The vote was No and Cameron got off with only a scare as it was him who allowed the referendum itself to take place. He put in danger the family of UK countries, but because of this it allowed Cameron to keep his job and left him with a strong chance of running for PM for a second term. If Cameron had gone the chance of success at the next general election with only a few months to go was very unlikely. Another positive for the Tory's is the way they have dealt with the mess of the country that the Labour Party left them, Cameron had a large job on his hands as he took the place of the voted "third worst post-war prime minister." Cameron since then has reduced the deficit so dealing with the debts in the long term of the country. Has cut income tax for 25M people, frozen fuel duty, help to create 79,000 new jobs in the North West, capped welfare, controlled immigration which has fallen by over a quarter since its last peak in 2005 under labour and finally has created 283,350 apprentices in the North West. All this in turn very much points favourably to a conservative party win. With the good will always come the bad, "nobody's perfect they say" and indeed the conservatives have their flaws. Firstly homelessness has shot up 31% which certainly goes with the saying about the conservatives from rival parties "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." Many also claim that the jobs created by the conservatives, far too many of them are part time which does not suit the masses as they want full time guarantee of jobs. Recent reports also suggest that the new lib dem manifesto is leaned towards labour which is very much a stab in the back from the Lib Dem as they were the coalition party to join the Conservatives. This is dangerous for the Conservatives because if they do not win an outright majority vote at the next election could they trust the Lib Dems to join them in coalition once again? Much rivalry has faced the conservatives from small parties such as the Greens and the ever controversial UKIP. With the conservatives very unpopular views on climate change this rivalry can only fierce up with the greens. With 73% of labours MP's thinking man made climate change is a scientific fact only 30% of Conservative MPs have the same view. But what some say is the conservatives biggest threat are the ever laid back UKIP. Douglas Carswell a name many conservatives now hate. He left the conservatives to join UKIP and has only strengthened them further. With much success over the last year in particularly the European elections they are defini

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