"Love one another and you will be loved. It's as simple and as difficult as that." Gracelynn and Ryder had secretly loved each other since day one. They grew up together in the small town of Bryansville, living only three houses away from each other, and spending time to together as often as possible. Their mothers had been very best friends for as far back as anyone could remember, and the two of them were heading on the same path. Their love story is simple, yet very empowering. One day when the two were only about fifteen years old, they were on the dock of Gracelynn's house. Sitting over the water on that sunny day, was the very moment she knew she loved him. They never were more than friends (other than the meaningless kiss he gave her when they were seven years old,) but she was determined to change that. Though she was very aware of her feelings, she was scared to risk the amazing friendship they had now. She wasn't sure how Ryder felt about her, but she was soon to find out. "Guess what?" Ryder said as he was dipping his toes in and out of the water. "What?" Gracelynn said. "Your my best friend." "Aw, thanks. You'r mine too!" Gracelynn stated, wishing she could say he was more. "But I want you to be more than that." "What do you mean?" She said, beginning to get excited. "I want you to me my girlfriend, will you?" As Ryder asked one of the best questions he has ever decided to ask, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. He told Gracelyn to read the letter before she answered him. "Of course!" she exclaimed as she closed the letter and leaned over to hug Ryder. The next few months were filled with loads of laughter. They had the best times finally being "together." They would spend almost every afternoon at each others houses and then go home and talk on the phone for the rest of the night. Many say they were inseparable, but they just called it true love. One bright saturday afternoon, Ryder took Gracelynn out on