Introduction Today, the Kia "Soul" is one the highest selling cars on the market and one of the top models of the South Korean based Kia manufacturer. Mike Torpey designed the Soul in California in the 2005. Torpey’s inspiration for the car was that of a wild powerful boar wearing a backpack; hence the sloping roofline and trunk on the hatch back. Although the car was designed in 2005, it did not hit the global market until 2010. The Soul in today’s economy has an opportunity for it to great increase its market share, simply based on the price point and its value added service which would be discussed further along the paper. Although the concept of the Soul was designed in 2005, it took another five years for it to go into production. In the five years time lapse the concept of the Soul was being perfected, the company had its entire various major divisions chip in with their own various versions of the soul. The Kia European Design team lead by Peter Schreyer was the most notable division that had a showing of their own Soul, was based of the original design. Schreyer and his team showed off several variations of the Soul, from the Soul Diva, to the Soul Burner and the Soul Searcher, all of which received praises at several car shows including 2008 Paris Auto Show, and the 2008 Montreal International show, to name a few. The most impressive feat that was showcased by Kia with the Soul was its move towards making their car become a leader in futuristic world of marketing with mass customization. It is important to note that seven years before the birth of the Soul, the Kia motor company had just been acquired by Hyundai which acquired 51% of the company’s share, beating out Ford motors that has been closely associated with the South Korean company since its rejoined the car industry in 1986 in a bid for control of the of the car manufacturer. The company was incorporated in America in 1992, sold its first cars in Portland Oregon in 1994, and in February 2010 it broke opened its first manufacturing plant in the United States which happens to be the year the Soul went on sale globally. the company that recently turned 69, was founded in south Korea in 1944 as part of Chaebol (conglomerate), it went from originally making bicycle tubing, then in 1952 bicycles, 1957 motorcycles, 1962 trucks and in 1974 it made cars which it stopped till 1986 when it manufactured only 26 cars. The following year it manufactured 95,000 car units, it has been that kind of growth that has been the legacy of the car company till date. This product was chosen because we strongly feel that there is plenty opportunity for Kia motors to capture a greater market share, with this particular model, especially with the current economy state. We realized from some our research, that although the car company is currently doing well in the market, it barely ever makes it into evoked set, and even when we help people recognize the model, it still gets a bad rep, but the flipside of this is coupled with the high sales of the car, we find that owners of this car model love the car, and the common reasons were its price and value added service. Currently the segment that the car company has decided to go after with the Soul model is a mixture of age and income and in some ways beliefs. It goes to target younger people, with not much of a disposable income, and in many cases care about their carbon footprint, which in many ways has not been successful, mainly because of the poor levels of the positioning by the cars. This stems from poor placement by the company, its current ads have a day-after Superbowl effect, as it does not drive sales, simply because it doesn't mention the price of the car or the values that comes standard with the product, from the after sales care, warranty, roadside assistance that many times comes for premium with many cars. At $13,999 for the Soul, it come with a 10 year/ 100,000 miles that includes many other really impressive types of warranty that one cannot really imagine on standard package for even pricier models. It is also important to know that based on the current climate of recovering / recessing economy (depending on who you ask), people are looking for way to spend less on products. This gives Kia an edge over its closest competitor the Scion XD which is priced $3,000 more than the Soul and offers warranties that in no time would see people who bought the Scion spending money out of pockets to fix problems that would be covered standard with the Soul. The Self The individual that we have known to purchase this car is typically an adult ages 30-40 such as a parent, for their high school graduate. What better way to tell your child that you are proud of them for graduating high school and going to college than to purchase them a new car that is affordable, safe, and dependable? The problem with this idea is that not many high school graduates look forward to receiving a Kia Soul as their graduation g