Black History Month is dedicated to the African Americans who fought for their rights during the time of segregation. At times, people say Black History Month is not necessary and it is not relevant for the 21st century, but I disagree. Black History Month should still be essential for specific reasons, for without it Americans may begin to forget these special people who fought for freedom. Without Black History Month the public would never know the previous history. This is because if it hadn't been for a special month dedicated to our black leaders, students in schools would not be learning the full history presented without mentioning the history of African Americans and the act of slavery. Without this it would be disrespectful towards the ones who made freedom happen, for example Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Abraham Lincoln. We should continue the tradition of honoring our black leaders in the former years during the time of segregation. If there were no month for this moment in life we would never know who these important people are and our history will not be complete. This supports my answer because it explains the reason why Black History Month is something that should be accepted in our lives. This is why it is important that this month is still noticed and we continue to honor it. Moreover, as generations become the past, we must accept the fact that there were black leaders in our past who have helped us today and sacrificed with many difficulties as their lives went on. I say this because slavery was a major part in American history. Even though it has been many years that does not mean growing generations should not learn about this major point in the economy. We would not be here if slavery were to still be going on, and with the slavery closing stages it built American economy. For example, slaves were the ones who picked cotton which was a very harsh task to complete. This highlights the importance of my clai