In a world full of distractions, it becomes harder and harder to have genuine relationships. The chaos of technology is a significant factor which blocks social interaction and the development of relationships. The biggest distraction that I deal with is my iPhone. I constantly find myself attached to the “hip” of my phone, always ensuring that I have it on my person at all times throughout the day. While cell phones today help build relationships and friendships through social media and a constant form of communication, by the same token they prevent genuine interaction and human-to-human contact. Two years ago, I began to realize how much attention and time my phone was stealing from me. I started to notice just how much my phone physically meant to me and was negatively affecting my personal relationships by keeping me from fully interacting in conversations. I realized that more often than not I was obsessed checking my phone and less worried about spending quality time with my family and friends. This was not an acceptable behavior and I am glad I caught this absurdity early. Ever since I started realizing this awful trend, I made it a habit to ensure that my phone was away and out of sight when I was with friends or family. The more human contact I had during the day, the better, because most of my time prior to that was spent staring at a pulseless screen. Ever since I made this behavioral change, I believe that I have built stronger relationships and I know my friends better than I ever had before. When entering college, social media was extremely helpful. I was able to view the profiles of fellow classmates, instant message with them to see whom I would click with and find people I had commonalities with. Without the use of Facebook and iMessage, I do not believe that I would have the same friendships today. This remains true with keeping in contact with friends across the globe. After graduating high school, many of my friends and family no longer live within five minutes of me. Therefore, my cell phone