
If I Could Meet George Washington

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Given the opportunity to choose someone famous that I could have a conversation with would be the greatest opportunity of my life. My choice would be one of the most well-known men in American history: George Washington. George Washington lived in an era that I find myself very fond of. He did brave and noble things to save his people; providing me with a million questions that I would love to ask him and many things I would like to thank him for. George Washington was an astounding man who sacrificed much of his own life for the sanctity of others. He and his family were was actually poor due to the death of his father at a young age. He didn't go to college and his education was brought to a stop when his father died. Knowing that George didn't have a father growing up I would ask him how he knew how to be a father and who taught him the ways of being a man. Despite the fact of him being fatherless, George Washington did what was morally right with every given opportunity and strived for a better environment for his people. I would love to know how he was such a righteous man and truly put others entirely above his own self. Washington, throughout his life had many occupations. I would ask him what his favorite job was, what was his least favorite job, and what occupation did he actually want. According to several articles, George Washington didn't actually want to become president; he wanted to be a father and a husband with a simple job. He had the opportunity to become a king and make America a total Monarchy; in which he denied. Washington wanted things to be fair and just for everyone; which is kind of contradictory to him owning slaves. However contradictory that may be, Washington did not have much say in the slaves that he owned for he inherited them when he was eleven years old. Every article I have read and all of the research I have done describes Washington as treating his slaves as he would anyone else. Treating slave

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