
Encouraging Youth to Go to College

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“College is a one step closer to success,” is what parents often tell their children. However, is it true that everybody need to attend college for a successful life? In this world today, most graduated high school students go to college; therefore, attending college is not quite needed for all people anymore because of the differences in their career plans, the job market, and the benefit of college skills toward the reality. From the book "The Prentice Hall Reader," by George Miller, some experts give different opinions about if all people should be encouraged to go to college or not. Not all people's favorite jobs require a four-year degree, so attending college also depends on what the ideal jobs of people are. After Linda Lee, one of the experts, tells how she has heard other parents talking about different universities for their graduated children, she says, America is obsessed with college. It has the second-highest number of graduates worldwide, after (not Great Britain, not Japan, not Germany) Australia. Even so, only 27 percent of Americans have a bachelor's degree or higher. That leaves an awful lot who succeed without college, or at least without a degree. Many read books, think seriously about life and have well-paying jobs. Some want to start businesses. Others want to be electricians or wilderness guides or makeup artists. Not everyone needs a higher education. (Lee 492-493) The way Lee says that America has the second-highest number of graduates worldwide suggests that Americans are obsessed with college because attending college is like a tradition of them, and a tradition should always stay the same for generations. Since only 27 percent of Americans have a degree, that means a lot of people have jobs and succeed without a degree. It also means that college is not designed for everyone, but it is designed for those people who have career plans that require college degrees. Other people are still able to succeed with their jobs, as long as they put their efforts into them. Lee says that many people just read books and think seriously about life are still able to grow up without college. The world still needs many workers to fulfill the jobs which do not require a high degree such as electricians, wilderness guides, and makeup artists. However, with the high rate of student attending

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