
Self Reflection - On Learning to Read

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I do not recall my first initial experience with reading, but as far back as I can remember reading has been important in my life. I grew up the daughter of a high school English teacher so most memories I have regarding reading and literature are centered around my mom. She has helped me develop and grow in every aspect of my life, including my passion for reading. I have so many memories of her reading to me as a toddler, but I cannot recall any of the books by Name." The first books that stand out in my memory are "Is Your Mama a Llama," "Possum Came a Knockin," and "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," series. These were just a few of my favorite when I first was learning to read. As my skills developed I moved into my first chapter book series, Junie B Jones and all of her crazy adventures, and from there I continued to push my skills and read higher and higher reading levels. Reading was a very active part of my life as a young child, and it was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. Though Rodriguez uses it to describe himself as a "scholarship boy," his description of "always successful" and "exhilarated by my progress" (Rodriguez 16), describe my feelings toward reading. Sadly though a day came where that would all change. On my first day of 3rd grade, Mrs. Johnson, the sweetest little lady that has ever walked this Earth, informed our class that we would beginning a program by the name of Accelerated Reader. I’ll never forget the excitement I felt when I realized that I was going to get to do something that I loved, and it was going to be a grade! That was the ultimate dream come true! A few weeks we by and we settled into our new routine at our new school, and then it was the big day. The day we took the test to determine our reading level and being this wonderful Accelerated Reader program, AR for short. When that morning came I woke up on a pallet next to the toilet in my parents’ bathroom I had the flu. I was crushed. I had n

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