My name is Taylor England, and I am nineteen years old. I was born in Findlay, Ohio on June 5th. Just before I turned 2, my parents got a divorce and my dad moved to Michigan. I lived with my mom until I was seven. During the time I spent living with her, I had become an older sister to a brother and three sisters; one of my sisters lived in Michigan with my dad and stepmom. I had also moved a lot, we lived in my grandmother's house a couple of times, my step-dad's mother's house, a homeless shelter, and a car. I also moved back and forth to two different schools. In November of 2002, my dad had won custody of me and my little brother. I went to live with my dad, step-mom, little sister, and a step-brother. My mom did not like that my dad had custody of me, so for the next several years she took my dad to court over a list of different things. In those years living with my dad, I had not moved houses, and I only moved schools once. My mom's visitation was changed to be held in Calhoun County in 2009, by 2012 I decided to stop seeing my mom. I chose to stop visiting her for problems she caused when I was younger, that I don't like to talk about. She gave me an ultimatum of either her giving up her rights so my step mom could adopt me, or I start visitation back up again. I was having a better life without her in it, than I was with her in it, so I told her I wanted to be adopted. My step-mom said that she would adopt me, and we have been working on that for the last year. I am now a graduate from Pennfield High School, a bowler, and an active member in band. I have help my high school team my junior year, to be ranked number one in the state, undefeated, and division 3 state champions. Also I went to state last year as an individual and made one of the all-state teams. I have been in the band for eight years playing trombone, and was in choir for three years as an alto. I now plan on finishing an undergraduate degree for accounting here