I didn't want to go. I knew I didn't want to go when I found myself behind the second person in line. It was 8:30 p.m. the sun was almost gone and all the lights came on one by one. I knew I didn't want to go when I was in line and my palms were sweating, when I kept begging my friends to leave the line. I knew I didn't want to go but I was still going. I still stood in line, sat in my seat, buckled the seat belt, and pulled the bar over me. I kept going because I knew my friends would make fun of me. I knew they wouldn't let me forget this day. I had to do this so I could stay sane. At the start of this day an idea arose from my group of friends; we should go to Michigans Adventures and spend the day there they suggested. Sounded like a good way to spend the day and I was excited to go. We bought subs, candy, snacks etc. so we didn't have to spend more money than needed. We argued about whose car to take for about twenty minutes until we voted to just take my friend Courtney's beat up Cadillac. On the left side of her car the back door was bashed in so nobody was able to open it, so we all had to get in on the same side. When we got in the car it smelled like the Macintosh apple scent from Yankee candle; which is my favorite scent from Yankee Candle. After everyone was finally in the car the radio got put on full blast. Everyone kept wanting to hear the same song over and over, I started to get annoyed and sing the song obnoxiously loud like "Why you gotta be so rude don't you know I'm human too!," until they finally got the hint to change the song. Finally we were just seconds away from the entrance of the amusement park, thank god because I started to get sick of being in the car with them. When we got out of the car we headed towards the people to stamp our hands that's when we noticed the line was a mile long. Which sucked because we all were pumped up and way too impatient to wait in this line but we had no choice so we played a game I spy, it