Throughout her life, every girl will face some level of rejection, judgment and humiliation. She may be told that she isn't good enough or that she needs to live up to higher (or lower) standards in order to be socially acceptable. So many of us girls have faced depression and low self-esteem because of this. We are constantly put down every day because we can never be “good enough”. Why are we the ones that are told to be ourselves but to also be perfect at the same time? I have personally dealt with these kinds of things in my life as well. I, along with many other teenage girls my age, am at the point of my life where I constantly feel judged by other people or that I need to be prettier or funnier or more “perfect." A lot of these standards are set by males because while looking for a significant other, their standards become very high and if you don’t look a certain way or act a certain way for them, they want nothing to do with you. Boys want girls to be the perfect mix of provocative and modest, confident and reserved, and of course, curvy and skinny. As I have grown older, I notice that I become less and less confident in myself. I definitely see how much the media has influenced these negative thoughts in my head. Most people expect girls my age and older to look as perfect as the people photoshopped in magazines. That look is not realistic, and most people realize that, but still seem to want a specific look from us. Many girls feel the need to change physically who they are and exactly how they look for approval from other people. This is because most of this attention is focused towards teenage girls and young women. In the poem "Anorexic," the speaker of the poem struggles so much with accepting the way her body looks. She describes with vivid detail and a diverse use of words to describe her hate and disgust of her own body. In the first two paragraphs she says, “My body is a witch. I am burning it” and “Ye