
Memoir of My Parent's Divorce

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As I sat in my bedroom listening to Wale's song "Ambition." I turned up the volume in an attempt to block the sounds coming from the other side of the door. They were not sounds of joy and happiness; rather they were angry and bitter voices. As accusations were being hurled outside my room  wall, I sat on my bed feeling like the loneliest person in the world. I thought to myself, "How could two people who have shown me so much love speak to each other with such hatred and disgust?" All I heard was shattering of glass against the floor, and pounding of fists against the solid beige walls. I wished and wished for the noise to end, but what I didn't realize was the end of it would  change my life forever. It all started  when I heard the arguing almost every day. Then one day my parents walked into my room and with hushed and nervous tones, they started to explain everything. As my mother was talking to me, I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I was crying hysterically, not being able to keep up with the tears that were rolling down my face.  That's when it had hit me that this was actually happening; they were getting a divorce and it was final. All sorts of feelings came to mind, but all I did was cry making my sight of vision a blur. My face turned cherry red and I felt a wave of heat rush over my body. Even after my clear sight of vision came back, things were still fuzzy. What had worried me the most was that my family had been broken apart. And I couldn't help wondering what if my parents would have  ended up looking at each other with hatred? I looked up to them individually but also as a couple. They barely ever fought but I guess things are different behind closed doors. I tried my hardest to think positively about the situation, but all I could think about was my parents not being happy anymore. I kept thinking about the main events that would happen in the future such as my graduation or my basketball games. I w

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