
Revelation of God to me

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When we speak of revelation, we speak of the way that God has revealed Himself to men through his acts of creation and providence. Psalm 19:1-3 says; "The heaven is telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of his hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor are there words; Their voice is not heard."  God has not chosen to reveal all truth to us. There are many puzzles which are not explained; many question that are not answered. These are the secret things. They belong to the lord. There is coming a day of complete revelation. There is coming a day when we shall know fully, but the important point is that those things which have been revealed to us belong to us. They have been given to us. And they ought to be a prized possession. The Old Testament records many different ways in which God revealed himself to men. Abraham saw Him as a "smoking oven and a flaming torch  (Genesis 15:17). He spoke to Joseph in dreams. He appeared to Moses in a burning bush. To Samuel he was a voice calling in the night. To Elijah he was a still, small voice. To me, he has revealed himself through many ways; through the story of my birth, through nature, dreams, my academics, answered prayers etc. but I would be elaborating more on answered prayers. Last year, in September 2013, I gained admission into Babcock University, while I was still in the polytechnic, though I ought to have graduated, but the strike which lasted for two months extended my stay there. I was so confused of what to do. Should I forfeit my admission in Babcock University and continue my program? Or should I do otherwise? I didn't know what to do. So later I decided to run both program. I prayed for strength to complete my program in the polytechnic while I resume as off campus students here in Babcock Uni. I received lectures in both schools by drawing out a scale of preference from both lectur

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