Divorce can have many effects on a family, especially when there are children involved. Divorce can cause the income in the household to suffer, children’s behavior can decline in school, and their behavior to decline inside and outside of school. Parents have to make it there plan to make their divorce go as smoothly as it can for the children. It can have many effects on children, and the household. Income is the most important thing inside of the household, and when altered it can have a life changing effect on the family. Income is a major factor in all households. Income keeps the bills paid, food on the table, and a roof over the family’s head. It can sometimes be financially hurtful when you go from having two incomes to having one income in the household. The husband could be bringing in more than his wife or vice versa. When the person that’s bringing in the most money to the house leaves it can sometimes put the other person in a financial bind. When the person that’s living in the house doesn't have a resourceful amount of income it can affect the kids, family, and the way that the household is run. Children sometimes take advantage of their parents when they know things aren't going so smoothly at home. They often take out the frustrations that they have at home to school, and become daredevils. Behavior is a major thing; It determines how well you succeed inside and outside of school. The better you behave the more you succeed, and the less you behave the less that you get. Children tend to think when their parents are going through a divorce that they can do whatever they want. Some kids, not all but some do the opposite of what their told because they know their mom and dad to pay attention to them. Some kids use divorces to get what they want, and to make their parents feel bad for putting them through the divorce. Behavior and grades come hand in hand though when their behavior is bad, grades sometimes follow.