Most people get the concept of right or wrong; it is as easy as black and white. An example of right would be holding a door open for the little old lady across the street, or even telling the truth about a day’s event. Knowing what wrong is as obvious as being violent towards others or stealing gum from a grocery store. Even though right and wrong should be easy to decipher, what would happen if the devil was involved? Most people know that no one should make deals with the devil, because the last thing one wants to do is sign a contract with evil itself. Guy Woodhouse in Ira Levin’s, "Rosemary’s Baby," seemed to have a strong head on his shoulders. He is a good-looking actor, his wife thought he was a wonderful husband; he is also liked by many others. Guy is morally wrong when he signed his first baby away to the devil. Most think that Guy Woodhouse is a horrible person and wonder how he could do what he did to the love of his life, Rosemary. Morally, Guy is wrong in this situation. She is affected mentally, her health is endangered, and he also affected their marriage. Rosemary is affected mentally throughout the pregnancy. At the beginning of the pregnancy Guy realized how much he wanted to stay away from the baby who distanced Rosemary and himself. “There was distance now between her and Guy” (Levin 94). Another example would be, “Guy seemed never to be looking at her, always at a script or TV or at someone else. He was in bed and asleep before she was. One evening he went to the Castevets’ to hear more of Roman’s theater stories, and she stayed in the apartment” (Levin 95). This affected her mentally because she starts to feel as if Guy did not love her same. She was also mentally affected by dreams. She was having strange dreams caused by the pregnancy. Rosemary’s health is endangered throughout the pregnancy too. She got abnormally sick within her three terms. She lost an unusual amount of weight while she