The social media monster is consuming the people of the world. In an episode of South Park called “You Have Zero Friends," producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone hit the nail on the head as they use satire to portray this concept of being consumed by Facebook. South Park is an animated T.V. series that started in 1997, featuring four foul-mouthed 4th graders, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. What’s not to love about the satire? For the well informed, it’s an entertaining take on issues that would otherwise be a dry discussion and for the uninformed, well it’s editorial content served on a silver platter. The great thing about satire is that at any point it doesn't dumb down the issue at hand. I believe that South Park’s success comes from a mixture of satire, parody, and mockery that it uses to take aim at contemporary culture and values. This episode of the show comes at a time when Facebook is booming and everyone wants in. When Stan reluctantly signs up to Facebook, he’s overwhelmed with requests from his friends and family but denies them at first. While everyone at South Park goes crazy over the site and having as many “friends” as possible on their profile, Stan takes a stand that he doesn't want to get “sucked in." Stan is trying to live his real life but isn't aware of how serious people are taking Facebook. At one point Stan is being questioned by his dad of why they aren’t friends on Facebook and Stan doesn't see the big deal. This part was funny because it reminds me exactly of when my mom created a Facebook a couple years ago and asked me why I didn't accept her friend request. I had nothing to hide from my mom but we lived under the same roof and I didn't need any fake social interaction with her. The truth is, I just didn't see the appeal in us connecting over the Internet when we were five feet away from each other. At another point, Stan’s girlfriend, Wendy, notices that Stan’s profile has him listed