The Industrial Revolution, began in England in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when life for the typical person was changed. It was the time of many great new inventions, as the industry developed so fast that society could barely keep up. Before the Industrial Revolution, life for most people in England in rural areas was revolved around farming. People lived peacefully on their farms and did not rely on technology to get things done. Most work was done with their bare hands such as plowing, picking wool and cotton. Communication and traveling was a,so limited since technology was not as advanced at the time meaning that their was not as much diffusion of their work. Manufacturing was done naturally using windmills, not bulky machinery. Life was really tough, and people had to work hard to pay the rent and put food on the table, although sometimes there wasn't even enough to pay for food after the rent was paid. People had to use all the energy in their bodies, with their sweat and hard work, to be able to make money that they would later use to support their families. Education was very limited at the time too, it wasn't even available for regular or lower class people, sometimes even middle class. The industrial revolution was basically a major turning point in history that led the way for technological, scientific, cultural, and economic advancements. These changes affected the society both in positive and negative ways. The main advances of the Industrial Revolution was the technology that made tasks for farmers and workers more efficient. New inventions were being contributed rapidly. Technology is what caused the turning point in history as it changed and improved many factors causing stress at that time for workers. The steam engine, textile manufacture, and iron making were major advances at that time. The steam engine was originally created to pump water out of the mines, but later as it advanced, they were able to pump out coals, miners, and more. The engine became the base for many new inventions as well such as railways (railroads), cars and even farm work.The engine became the base for many new inventions as well such as railways (railroads), cars and even farm work. On top of all that, iron availability increased due to the engine, which was used to help create steel which was later used to make bridges and machines. Coal also increased which was used for boilers and heat. Alongside, the textile industry advanced as well with the cotton gin. Its use of new methods and small inventions made spinning and weaving faster. This increased trade and production of raw materials became more efficient to create goods. The cotton gin was also a major advance in the technology since it allowed cotton to be picked more efficiently without the need of slave labor. This increased production which allowed demand to increase and sales as well. The printing press