One of Canada's most controversial political and social issues is abortion and the right to choose. Whether you are against abortion or not, women have been granted legal right to an abortion if they choose to undergo the process. Yet abortion services across Canada vary significantly. Statistics prove there are several barriers preventing women in Canada from having an abortion especially the young, poor, and rural Canadian women. If abortion in Canada is safe and legal why are abortion services inequitable throughout the country? Abortion is defined as a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus, thereby making it a highly controversial issue. There are two sides on the topic of abortion; pro-choice and pro-life. Pro-choice supporters "believe that pregnant women should have the right to choose whether or not they would like to have an abortion" (Merriam-Webster, 2014). While pro-life supporters "advocate the legal protection of human embryos and fetuses, especially by favoring the outlawing of abortion on the grounds that it is the taking of a human life. I believe women have the right to do whatever they want to do with their own bodies and they can make a decision for themselves that will be the best one they can live with. If a woman feels like she cannot take care of or is not ready for a baby and feels like she has to do an abortion then they should at least have the option to do so. There are plenty of reasons why a woman may deem herself not capable of being a mother for example; it may be that the woman is too young and is not in a position to raise a child. Another reason could be that the woman does not want to jeopardize her career. Furthermore, there is the possibility that the woman was a victim of rape and therefore does not want the baby. One more, of the multiple reasons that a woman would want to abort a baby, could be that the preventive measures, such as birth control, did not work for her. While a woman could have one or more of the stated reason, the number of hospitals providing abortions in Canada is decreasing. In Canada, accessing abortion services are proved to be difficult and inequitable throughout the country, why is this? Most of the hospitals and new specialized clinics that provide abortion services are concentrated in large urban areas of the country. Mandatory referrals are needed in most provinces, which in turn, delay the process of abortion for many Canadian women. There is a decline in the amount of hospitals and clinics that provide abortion services; there is also a decline in the amount of doctors being trained to perform abortions. Women are going to want and need abortions regardless, but restricting access is only going to put Canadian women in danger if they decide to seek abortion through illegal m