Schools in the United States need to be reformed. In the article “Let’s Really Reform our Schools,” by Anita Garland, we are presented with various ways to reform our schools to help students’ education progress. Garland believes that making changes such as uniforms and sports will assist in the academic performance. Although high school students like to follow trends and focus more on socializing, reforming our school policies will also transform their way of thinking. First, a great way to start a transformation in schools is to make uniforms mandatory. Garland writes, “If students wore uniforms, think of the mental energy that could be redirected into more productive channels.” Wearing uniforms will give the students the studious mentality that they need to be successful in school. Everyone will be seen equal because no one will be in a fashionable trend. School uniforms will prevent students to be identified with any gang affiliation. Gangs are identified by the attire worn by the members. If students wear school uniforms, any gang affiliation will not be visible. Because of not being able to identify whether a student is gang associated, many problems can be prevented. Next, putting a stop to sport competitions between schools will make students concentrate better academically. Garland says, “Students are herded into gymnasiums for pep rallies and encourage hatred of rival schools.” Creating rivalries between schools can lead to dangerous results. Different schools have different colors and mascots that represent them. This seems very similar to gangs. Gangs are differentiated by different location, colors, and attire. Rivalries between schools become territorial like gangs. If students from a school spot another student that attends the rival school, this can lead to violent crimes against the students. If schools were reformed to having intramural competitions, students would be safer and can devote their time i