
The Current Size and Role of the US Government

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Currently the size and spending of our government is out of control, it needs to be reduced to something more reasonable and more manageable. The size needs to correlate with the amount of revenue it receives from the people. Although usually what happens is the government increases taxes to receive more money instead of downsizing the government so they won't have to enforce such taxes. The bigger the government gets, the more people tend to rely on it, and citizens should not need to rely on the government, if the government slowly got smaller and smaller people would slowly stop relying on it so much. Our earliest presidents had a smart sense of government size, they established checks and balances in the constitution which kept everything fair. Unfortunately, after the early presidents, came the progressives, which thought everything bigger is better! The progressives insisted on raising the power and size of government without limit. Another big problem with large government is wasteful spending, our government spends an extravagant amount of money on very useless things such as: the government pays over 100 million every year to subsidize parties at the political convention, a total of 146 million has been paid for federal employees to upgrade their flights to business class, the government spent 27 million to teach Moroccans how to design and make pottery in 2012. Those were all legitimate things the government has spent money on, I found many more websites listing the huge number of almost complete wastes the government spends its money and time on, and I’m not even mentioning the hundreds of thousands of dollars the usually indolent senators and people of congress get paid. We need a small elite team of government doing only the jobs a government should do. While still being big enough to break up monopolies and giant transnational corporations, and encouraging the growth of small businesses on Main Street. Although when go

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