Assignment Explain the absolute glory and perfection of God. Justify your answers by citing evidences from the story. Response Our Lord, God, as stated in the Book of Job, is the God of the universe. He knows everything, governs everything and is said to be the most perfect being. In the book, He asks Job a series of questions that could never be answered by anyone other than the Almighty God Himself, which Job wasn't able to answer, of course, as he is merely a mortal. The Lord put Job in his place. He can't possibly comprehend everything in an immortally ruled universe. This is a reminder that humans can never understand how great God is. He is not to be questioned and, in His dominion, chooses not to tell us everything. That’s the privilege of God. As absolute as He is, God is in all things happening around us. A good example of that in the book would be the part when God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind. He has the power to possess anything, even the wind, and to show His presence to the mortals using objects around them as His medium to bring forth his messages – something not a human can do. He is superior and sovereign and nothing happens that is not under His perfect will. The question of suffering is addressed in the story. Why does man suffer? What causes it? Why doesn't God do something? Man suffers because of sin. It roots back to the story when Adam and Eve ate a fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was a fruit God told them never to lay their fingers on. Because of this deed, God reveals to them the consequences of sin. We suffer because we are sinners, not because of the work of an unjust God. God doesn’t have flaws. The cause of man’s suffering is his disobedience to the ways of God. It’s like losing direction, only to realize that at some point of your life, you’ve fallen into the wrong hands of evil. Man’s temptation to evil ways caused him harm and suffering. God has nothing to