
Pet Peeves - Getting on Our Last Nerves

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Everyone has an irritation that they cannot stand. This annoyance is called a pet peeve. I believe that everyone has something that gets on their nerves, no one is perfect! Some people think that not everyone has a pet peeve that they do not think anything is annoying. But we all know this is false. Everyone living person has a pet peeve. They just may not all be the same. Pet peeves come in all different varieties. An example of a pet peeve that is common is body odors. The smell of someones body odor really irritates some people, some so much that they can not even stay in the same room as the person who smells! Smokers in any bar or restaurant. It does not matter who a person is or what they have been through in their life, everyone has something that is "irritating  to them. Some may have more pet peeves than others but everyone has at least one! Some pet peeves can be more unique than others, a different pet peeve no one really hears of a lot would be "eating potato chips while talking on the phone , this is not a pet peeve you hear of much! Pet peeves do not bother some people as much as they bother others. Some people find them very "infuriating" while others just "ignore" them  and do not find it as a big deal. Sometimes how you deal with pet peeves and what your pet peeves are depends on what kind of person you are. Some people might get irritated by the smallest things, like "People who do not return their shopping carts  while others may not be that sensitive and only be disturbed by things like "Drivers not stopping at a stop sign. I guess it all depends on who you are! No one in this world is perfect. Everyone has to have something that "drives them crazy." It is impossible for someone to not be annoyed by at least one thing! If someone says they do not have a pet peeve, they are lying. There are a lot of different pet peeves for a lot of different people! One thing that pet peeves can do to affect your life i

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