
The Voice by Tomas Hardy

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"The Voice," by Thomas Hardy is a poem written after the death of his wife. Him and his wife did not have a good relationship between each other and after her death Hardy expresses his feelings towards it threw poetry. The Voice is expressing Hardy's guilt and regret of the bad relationship he had with his wife, he describes her voice which he cant let go. The Voice is composed of four stanzas and each stanza is made up of four lines. The first three stanzas are aligned together and the lines are pretty much the same length. The fourth stanza has shorter lines and visibly different in location. This is because Hardy wanted to make that stanza pop out and make the reader notice that sudden change. The rhyming pattern is an ABAB pattern because Hardy wanted to do an echo effect. He uses this effects to show how lonely he feels and that he can't stop asking those questions to himself. Hardy has great imagery strategies. In stanza 1, he expresses regret and loneliness. In stanza 1 he uses the metaphor "when our day was fair  to bring back the good memories he once had with his wife. Also he uses the Alliteration of "much missed." He uses this at the beginning of the stanza to tell the reader that from the beginning he regrets not having a good relationship and that he misses his wife. Also the alliteration of the m makes it have an echo sound that makes it his loneliness dramatic and more exaggerated. Also the repetition of "call to me" shows how he is alone in an echoey place. The tense changes in line two, it goes from present in "saying that that now you are not as you were. This is to tell the reader he is having a had time and he is looking back. In the second stanza he uses the metaphor of "air blue gown. Hardy is trying to express how she is not with him anymore and he would like to see her but she is now gone. In stanza 3 and four the mood changes, in this stanzas he tells the reader a good moment they had together and

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