
What Makes a True Leader?

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Is it better for the prince or the leader to be loved or to be feared? This can be the question that I ended by and that I was making an attempt to seek out the proper answer, but I found it is so hard to know which one is better and smarter. Machiavelli tried to explain and to answer this question. I agree with him in some points and disagree with him in others. When answering this question, it all comes down to what people you are referring to. In regards to a ruler or a leader, I agree with Machiavelli and believe that it is better for a ruler to be feared than loved because then they can have more control over their people. Machiavelli explains “Men are less nervous of offending someone who makes himself lovable, than someone who makes himself frightening,” (qtd. In Jacobus). He explains that a leader who is feared will make people listen and obey him. When you are in a position of power, “It is much safer to be feared than loved,” (qtd. In Jacobus). People are not going to question and ask you about the reason. They are going to do what you say without argument because “they are afraid of punishment” (qtd. In Jacobus). Let’s verify this question, in an exceedingly completely different perspective. If the teacher is loved by students, they're going to perceive and focus regarding each single word that the teacher says in school. Students will raise and mentioned their concepts with the teacher without worry. That’s smart for each teacher and students. It’s smart for student because he can understand the material very well and study it in a lovely way so he will apply what he studied in his daily life. For the teacher its better too to be loved because the ideas and opinions on topics that the student discuss in class might help the teacher so he can see the topics with different sides and with different views. Machiavelli mentions “it is difficult to accomplish both being love and being feared at the same time

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