Old or young you probably have met someone at some point who wasn't able to attend college, whether it was due to a financial situation or just not in their interest. Every individual deserves the opportunity to continue their education with a college degree whether they can afford it or not. Just because a student doesn't have the funds for a higher education does not mean they don't have the intelligence to get it. Money has nothing to do with how smart an individual is. If high school students were denied the opportunity to attend college where would the world be right now? Through higher education people all over the world have earned better paying jobs and a greater sense of accomplishment. Education is a huge foundation for success; if you have goals or elevated expectations for your life, then you should fulfill them through a good education. Making college education more accessible to the less fortunate and even the middle class will greatly benefit individuals and society as a whole. Education is essential for everyone, especially high school students wanting to continue their education in college. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. Education is a necessary part of life both personally and socially. The importance of education should be undeniable for every single person. Although the educational systems of different countries are not similar, they all share a common goal, which is to provide its citizens a proper learning environment, for "In a community of learning there is no failure, (Critical Thinking, 11). We all know that education is not the same in all parts of the world, but we need to help make sure that everyone is learning the basic concepts that will help them proceed on to college or get them through life. For example, when we were taught to read, I bet nobody thought that would lead us to giving speeches or presentations in work environments. All students no matter w