
The Study of Fixed and Growth Mindsets

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A fixed mindset is a closed minded person where as a growth mindset is not just being open minded, but also giving the person more motivation and creativity plus productivity in this world. Starting college I had a very fixed mind set. I figured college was going to be like the stories I was told. Which was how college and professors were cruel, vicious, and ruthless; but going into college my fixed mindset was dramatically transformed into a growth mindset after I got comfortable with my class work, classmates, and professors. Having a growth mindset is more beneficial for a student then having a fixed mindset, because you are able to have hope for the semester, it helps you cope with failure, and helps you learn from your mistakes. Carol S. Dweck a researcher and professor is behind the whole study of fixed and growth mindset. She is a professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Her work includes skills on how to succeed, achieve, and focus on success. In her popular book Mindset: the New Psychology of Success she cannot help but state over and over again that a growth mindset is more important and beneficial to have then to have a fixed mindset. In her book she states, “Willpower is not just a thing you have or don’t have. Will power needs help” (Dweck). This is important to remember because of the fact that people aren’t just born with or without the willpower to succeed in school, but it actually takes time to learn how to think this way and succeed with this new mindset that is growth. With a that is fixed you aren’t able to look at the big picture and see new and better alternatives to actually going back and redoing something that you have failed on. Dweck has narrowed her research down to the two main mindsets that people can have and they are either: Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset. Both alone are quite different a fixed mindset is a very one sided closed minded way of thinking for example, if a student is

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