
Why Shouldn't I Have Children by Caitlin Moran

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In the article “Why Shouldn't I Have Children," by Caitlin Moran, she describes the difficulties of being a parent. Though it may seem as if the author is speaking to women in general, her message is spread to the audience of men as well. As if giving personal experiences of her reasons why you shouldn't have children was enough, the author also backs up her opinions with factual evidence and statistics. Overall, I strongly recommend this article for university students as credibility and a source for academic research purposes. Caitlin Moran used pathos in many different ways to prove to her audience that having a baby could be really difficult, and life changing, she states, “While having children is hard work a minimum 18 year commitment a full throttle; followed by another 40 years of part-time fleeting, money lending, and getting on their toast into soldiers”(Moran 229). She is describing the difficulties a of having a child, and that no matter what, your life is committed to your child, and even after they become adults you're still catering to your kids. The Authors Tone throughout the book increases and decreases with a multitude of feelings and emotions from vibrate to intense, to patronizing to persuasive, literally coming through the pages. As though if the author tries to strangle her message to the reader, She loosens to her grip and seemingly contradicts herself on purpose to bond with the reader to further dive deeper with her message “..If a woman should say she doesn't want to have children at all, the world is apt to go ooooh, don't speak to soon as if knowing whether or not you're the kind of person who desires to make a whole other human being...” (Moran 230). By using a lot of authority the author portrays her message to the audience by reinforcing ideas with a style of realism “...The world really wants to know when women are having children. It likes them to have planned this shit early” (Moran 229),

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