This PBS documentary talks about the sixties. This documentary shows images of the major moments in American history. The events it includes are, the Vietnam War, the hippie movement, and many other events. It expresses the stories of war, and racial inequality. During this time many Americans rebelled and lost innocence. This was the time that people finally realized that regardless of race or color, people were going to be treated equally. The white man does not rule the world anymore. This all began when President Johnson approved the Civil Rights Act. In his speech he vowed to create a better society. He also vowed to fight the war on society. Things changed shortly after this. President Johnson than required the United States army to take action in Vietnam. His administration lied to the Americans about an attack, which he said led to this decision. Congress agreed and the President was given unlimited control of the war. The war in Vietnam was the first televised war. At first Americans accepted the war. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the first advocated to speak out against the war. Americans opinions changed in 1967. Now Americans were against the war. Most young Americans rebelled. This brought about the hippie movement. Music and drugs would change the world from this point forward. Key contributors to this movement were famous bands such as The Beatles, and The Animals. They spoke through their music. This was their way of getting how they feel out into the world. They tried to make a statement through music instead of violence. The lyrics these bands and others sang had revolutionary messages. Through all of this various African American civil rights groups came about. The most famous party was the Black Panther Party. This party was an African American group located in Oakland, California. Oakland police was known as the most racist police force. This protest got shut down and resulted in injuries. This lead to