
A Personal Bakground Story - College Application Essay

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Option I. Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. Respond One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor. When I was younger I used to think I was invincible, powerful and a super hero. I believed I was indispensable to those around me and a great asset to any group I was with. I don't know what finally made me realize that I wasn't invincible or powerful or such a great asset to any group, but just another normal person. I am a tomboy at heart and I love to be outside playing a sport or climbing trees and rocks. However, as boyish as I can be, I also have a great love of the arts, such as reading commercial literature and playing musical instruments like the piano and violin. I have two younger siblings and one older siblings. I was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan and moved to Richmond, Virginia when I was seven. I remember when I was eight, my dad had driven me and my younger brother to school, and he has asked me if I could cross the cross walk to the school by myself and I had told him yes. Not totally understanding what he was asking, but to prideful to ask what he meant, I crossed the street about thirty-five feet from the crosswalk and nearly got myself run over. My dad had come up from behind me and ran me across the street with cars coming to screeching halts and honking horns. I remember his facial expression was one of shock, anger, confusion, disbelief and utter relief. I, at the time, couldn't comprehend what he was so upset about or why drivers were getting out of their cars and making crazy hand motions towards us. I can't recall what happened after that but I imagine that my dad didn't let me cross the street by myself again. The lesson I had learnt was to ask when I didn't understand. Most of my life has been spent in a Catholic en

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