Environment makes up our surroundings and generally impacts on our ability to remain alive and make the best of natural resources while still alive on the earth surface. As a matter of fact, whenever people converse on matters regarding the environment, they are usually talking about the general condition of our planet earth and its condition in terms of sustainability and how healthy it is. Surprisingly, humans, who are tasked with the duty of protecting the environment, keep on polluting it every day. The obliteration is real, the damage is slowly and progressively getting worse and humanity is astonishingly on a course of collision with natural universe unless we make good use of every alternative source of energy and proper waste management to save our deteriorating environment. There exist countless methods that can be employed to protect our environment such as reusing and reducing, recycling, car-pooling and saving water. Minimization of waste is a process which involves minimizing the amount of waste that a society produces and also helps do away with the generation of persistent and harmful wastes, buttressing the efforts to boost a more sustainable society. Minimization of waste involves changing societal patterns and/ or redesigning products, concerning production and consumption, of generation of waste, in order to prevent waste creation. The utmost environmentally practical, cost effective and economically efficient method of managing waste is not making it a priority to address the problem. In addition, waste minimization ought to be an initial focus for several waste management strategies. Efficient and proper waste management needs a substantial amount of resources and time; therefore, it is crucial to have sufficient understanding of the benefits of waste minimization and the methods that can be used to implement it in every sector of the existing economic spheres, in a safe, effective and sustainable manner. The basic theory behind management of waste is the hierarchy of waste, whereby, the most efficient and reliable approaches that can be used manage waste lie at the top. Management of waste is in contrast to minimization of waste. Management of waste aims at processing the waste after it has been created, focusing on recycling, reuse and conversion of waste to energy and not doing away with the creation of waste during the first phase of its production. Minimization of waste comprises of efforts to reduce use of energy and