It was said that back in the 1690’s, a series of events happened in the village of Salem, those events were witch trials based on false accusations made by a man that goes by the name of Samuel Parris, Salem’s minister. There are questions that we need to be asking ourselves like: who is most responsible for the witch craft? Who is responsible for most accusations made against the accused? Who was responsible for the harsh treatment and the misery that was laid upon salem? There was a night where a group of girls gathered up in the ministers kitchen and attempted to make a 1crystal ball to foresee their future husbands. Yet, they were missing the thing that they gathered up for which was the crystal ball itself, so they attempted to make one by using the white of a raw egg in a glass of water. They got help from a Indian slave called Tituba. A few minutes later they thought they felt a specters presence. A few days went by and these girls started examining weird behaviors like creeping under chairs and tables, “Uttering foolish ridiculous speeches," etc. There community was worried but they really didn't do much about it. No one could figure out what was wrong with them, except for one person. Samuel Parris. Tituba and her husband John baked a cake made up on urine from the possessed women and rye and were gonna give it to a dog to see if he would act the same way as the girls but they never got it to the dog because Reverend Parris got the news of it and found out what was going on in his kitchen and he and all the adults starting thinking that its not just madness, its crime. The adults in the community decided to look for who’s responsible for all the madness, they also thought that the key to finding out who is the witch in the town, is these girls that are “possessed." The girls claimed to see ghosts, who would physically hurt them. Sometimes, people saw that they would argue with them yet to the people all they saw wa