?There are many issues in this world that I cannot believe. For starters, the first on my list would have to be the number of poor, cynical beings who don’t believe in something that is our main source to our survival. It’s ridiculous how some people don’t believe in love! What’s even worse is that the people who don’t believe in love are the ones who haven’t experienced love. We can’t escape love, no matter how hard we try. Love is all around us, even though we don’t notice it as much as certain people do. Love can be a great thing or a deadly sin. Love being out the best and worst of people, it takes the right person who truly loves you to bring out the best in you. No matter how much obstacles are put in the path of love there is always a way of overcoming it. A simple “I love you” is starting to become a problem. That they think love is the only thing that can make them live another day of life. Love is something we all hope to find someday. Few people find their soul-mate in a matter of days or even months; While others, well let’s just say it takes us more than a couple days or months. The “I love you” a three letter phrase that has so much meaning to It but has lost that special sincere meaning due to the fact that human beings throw it around like money they spend on useless items. Not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome, that’s what useless means. The useless items are not necessarily “useless” but it’s just the fact that everyone, and I mean everyone wants the new “It” item out there. Why does everyone want the same exact thing that the other person does? Makes no sense at all. It’s sad how society has changed over the past years. People don’t see how much money they waste on something that its price will eventually decrease to a reasonable price, which the decent human being will be able to afford. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on