
The Importance of a Name

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Names have always been influenced by importance or cultural belief; I am someone who follows my father’s name who inherited his father’s name; something that I like to identify as a chain effect. I think it is very important to give a child a name that shows meaning and understanding, after all this follows you throughout life and in some cases your name can make or break you, different situations will occur about where your name will be the reason you get approved or denied in certain cases like jobs, social and recreational events or even community gatherings. In my personal opinion names absolutely shape us we might not think it does but it definitely plays a part of our involvement in society, for example my name is Johnny Webb I and actually get called back for everything that I apply to be a part of but when it is time for me to go in and meet with the individual(s) it becomes a shock factor for them because they were not expecting a black male to show up. When I interview and have one on one discussion with them upon my response they realize that I am intelligent and ten times out of ten I can perform the essential functions of the projects. One opportunity that came from my name is going on tour around the states with a popular rap artist performing and creating movement (choreography) for his live shows I was auditioning to be head choreographer and the choice was either of me or another person, we were at the same level of creativity and talent which made it so hard for the artist to choose between the both of us, Our looks were similar which played a big part of the decision process. When he went to review our resumes again he huddled with the manager and publicist for a brief minute came back and said congratulations Mr.Webb you booked the job. I was ecstatic but wondered what was it that made them choose me so me being the straight forward person I asked. They told me that they liked my name it has a flare to it like

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