
Things That Are Important to Me

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What do I stand for? This exact question is presented in the song "Some Nights," by FUN. Who am I exactly? Currently, I am a college student at Illinois State University, who is majoring in business administration. Everybody has certain traits that can have both positive and negative effects on their personality. Being organized certainly has its advantages, typically, there is a place for everything, and as an organized person, and I want everything to be in its place. Patience can certainly have some positive aspects. Patient people are rarely in a hurry, and they certainly don't lose their temper when having to wait for a long time. Being carefree is just as simple as it sounds. People who are carefree typically do not have a care in the world. Sure there are some things that they could worry about, but they rationalize their worries by saying to themselves "it will all work out somehow." Also, being competitive means that depending on the situation, I will stop at no cost to be the best. When somebody has a passion, something that they absolutely love to do, they will do absolutely anything to be the best at what they do. These four traits can be both beneficial, and to a certain extent detrimental when it comes to being a businessman. Organization is usually essential in order to be successful. As an organized person, there are times when my roommate will leave his garbage just about anywhere. I am currently looking at two empty Mac n' Cheese containers sitting on the air conditioner while a dirty fork sits right next to them. I'm not overly organized; if my room isn't clean, or everything is not in the right place then it doesn't bother me to the point where I have to clean it right away. I can deal with some messiness, but I would obviously prefer to have everything in its place. Being able to maintain a clean workplace improves efficiency and lowers stress. Being organized not only has positive effects, such as improving efficiency and lowering stress, but it can have some negative aspects. As an organized person, if I ever accidentally misplace something, which happens quite often, if something is not in its usual place, and I cannot find what I am looking for there, then its almost as if all hope is lost. Everyday, I have the television remote control in the same general area, but when my roommate and I are watching television before we go to sleep, he has the remote, and he manages to lose that remote just about every time he touches it. Much like how everything Midas touched turned to gold, just about everything my roommate touches disappear. I've always been a patient person, whether it was waiting in line for lunch in high school, waiting for an appointment at the dentists office, no matter what the occasion was, I rarely get upset about having to wait. This can be a very beneficial charact

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