A role model is a person whose behaviour, example or success can be emulated by others in society. Most people would agree that Pierre Peladeau is a very successful business man, but that does not necessarily mean he is a good role model. Pierre Peladeau is known to have done a lot of good in his life such as donating millions to charity and even visiting dying strangers in Montreal hospitals. Although Mr Peladeau has done a lot of good in his life, many say that the bad surpasses the amount of good. The following paragraphs will explain the good that Pierre Peladeau has accomplished in his life as well as the bad. Pierre Peladeau was definitely the studious type, as he accomplished two degrees in his lifetime. His first degree was achieved from the University of Montreal in philosophy. His second degree that he accomplished was a law degree which he studied for at McGill University in 1950. Mr Peladeau can definitely be viewed as a hard worker, because he accomplished two degrees in his lifetime which is very difficult and time consuming. Pierre Peladeau first business purchased was a local newspaper company which was called "Le Journal de Rosemont. Mr. Peladeau did not have the necessary funds needed to purchase the local newspaper company therefore he decided to take a loan of $1500 dollars from his mother in order to complete the purchase. This shows us that Mr. Peladeau is a risk taker, because he decided to loan money from his mother in order to reach success, which was later found through the purchase of many other companies. In the late 60s, mainstream French language newspapers were on strike. Mr. Peladeau saw the strike as an opportunity to create his own French newspaper which he would later call "Le Journal de Montreal ". Peladeau new creation was a great success and was labelled the top newspaper until the late 90s. Mr. Pierre Peladeau can be viewed as an opportunist because he took advantage of The French newspaper str