
Making Important Life Decisions

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Should I study or should I go out and do something? That was an easy question for Richard Rodriguez to answer. He was a high school kid who always chose to study over doing anything else. No one understood Rodriguez and his way of living life. Not even his own family. They would say things to him like "What do you even see in your books" (598). That became the family joke Rodriguez said. They always wondered where he was and sometimes he was locked in his bedroom or a closet reading a book or studying. Rodriguez was the kid in school who always answered the questions and had the right answers, but didn't know why he knew them. He always questioned the way he thinks and the way the teachers think. Teachers were his role models. He tried to imitate how they thought and the way they acted and the way they thought he should act. Rodriguez teachers always said that his parents must be proud of their son. He wished that was the case. Rodriguez was known throughout his school as the scholarship boy and he believe that he had to live up to that name. Even though Rodriguez was the opposite of me I can relate to his story in a different, but very similar manner. I was born in Rochester, Minnesota. After a few months my family and I moved to St. Louis. When I was one we moved back to Eyota. Then in second grade we moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin. When my family moved to La Crosse I stayed back and lived with my grandmother for five months until I finished school. We lived in Lacrosse, for three years and in seventh grade we moved back to Eyota were I would live the rest of my school life. I have six members in my immediate family. My mother Brandy, father Noah, and my three younger brothers Joe, Gabe, and Trevor. My mother Brandy is a secretary at the carpenters union in Rochester and my father Noah is self-employed. My dad owns his own business where he builds and sells computer servers. My dad likes to read Stephen King books and my mother likes love stories like every other woman on this planet. My grandmother Wanda has had a big impact on my life as well and she reads a lot of different types of books and papers. My first experience with reading and writing was when I was very young my mom told me she used to read me bedtime stories of different sports and Dr. Seuss. The first book I read back in first grade was the Berenstain Bears. I read that book over and over again. All of these books that I have read with my mom are interactive books. I believe that because these books are interactive they have shaped me into always wanting to read action pact book. Around the time I was in third grade I read a series of chapter books called Geronimo. This was a book about a mouse and all the adventures he went on. This series of books did change me as a reader though. These books started challenging me and made me want to read different more challenging books. I have never been a big reader so there was a long period from seventh grade too about tenth grade that I don't remember reading a b

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