
The Case Against National Security Agency (NSA) Surveillance

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Recent disclosures have revealed that the US government maintains a database that logs all American telephone calls and actively collects the contents of large numbers of domestic and foreign emails. National security officials have testified that these once-secret programs have disrupted more than 50 "potential terrorist events." The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a suit against the Obama administration demanding an end to this surveillance, contending that it "gives the government a comprehensive record of our associations and public movements, revealing a wealth of detail about our familial, political, professional, religious, and intimate associations. In your opinion, what are the considerations in determining how much domestic surveillance is warranted to prevent possible terrorist attacks? Do you agree with the ACLU's position or that of the government? Where do you draw the line regarding data collection and when this should be prohibited? The court wants legal standing, the ACLU wants privacy, the NSA wants caller information and so on. In this chaotic mess of the wants of these institutions, the wants of the common man are compromised. Living in one of the greatest countries of the world and being governed by the so called leader of the free world, what do you or I want? I want dignity. I want the freedom to call whoever and not be questioned for the purpose of my call. I want to order takeout food without being heard what pizza topping I'm choosing. I want to transfer money over the phone without my money being tracked. I do not want to be the second or third 'hop' as defined by the FISA order. I trust my government blindly. I want a modicum of integrity from them in return. Nay, I expect this much. Whistle blowers have come and gone. They have had their moments of fame, but none like Edward Snowden. Overnight, he has become a celebrity. His revelations of NSA secrets not only left American citizens shell-

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