Throughout the years, there have been many engineering disasters, some more hazardous than others. Every engineering failure has its faults but for most many are the same, weather it is the lack of accuracy in the design or the pride and ethical values of the designer and the biggest poor usage of proper materials to save money. Most of the times engineering disasters lead to deaths, which is the most awful thing that can happen. For example, The Reliant Robin, starting from the idea, to the design and creation of that car there were so many faults to it, and it turned out to be one of the biggest engineering failure. As seen in the video "Episode 1: Jeremy drives a Reliant Robin" we can see how dangerous it was to drive the car, and yet people still bought it and for the wrong reasons too, and for the wrongs reasons at that. The Reliant Robin was and still is considered the worst car in the history of cars. Everything about the car was hazardous starting with its three wheels. The only reason there were three wheels was so that a normal person would not need to buy a full licence, which was only required for a four wheeled car. "Some of the miners who did not have a full licence could drive a Reliant Robin without having to get an actual licence" "Episode 1: Jeremy drives a Reliant Robin", explains one of the people that Jeremy met who were enthusiast in the Reliant Robin. Another reason why the people of north England were so interested in buying the Reliant Robin was that they had to pay less tax. For the people who did not have a full licence and did not want to pay as much tax as to a four wheeled car, this was the car for them, only of course after looking over how hazardous it was. The Reliant Robin did not cost as much as a Four wheeled car but it was more expensive then a mini, and yet the citizens of England spent more money in a dangerous car. Some of the advantages of the Reliant robin were that, the car was made of p