
Life Before Birth

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Abstract While watching "Life Before Birth," I learned a lot of things that I had no idea concerning the birthing experience. I thought that I had a great understanding of what happened when someone gets pregnant but I was vastly wrong. One of the three things that I learned during this film was about the sperm and all it has to do to get to the egg. Another thing I learned from this film was how that music really does affect the baby. One last thing that I learned was all of the gruesome things that the mother has to go through before she can deliver her little one. Life Before Birth While watching the film Life After Birth I learned a lot of things that I didn't know about with childbirth. One of the first things that I learned was about just how hard the sperm has to work to get into the egg. I learned that when a male ejaculates into the female's vagina he lets out a quarter of a billion sperms. When the sperm leaves the penis and goes into the vagina it becomes a brutal obstacle course and only the healthiest and the strongest will survive to father the child; and all of the other sperm must die. Each sperm that leaves the penis is 1 human cell. Either an X or Y chromosome. This sperm is 1000 times smaller than sand. This sperm is such a small thing to make such a large human. First the sperm must make it through the vagina. If it makes it through the vagina it has to make it through the cervix. 95% of all of the sperm that made it through the vagina will be killed instantly when it reaches the cervix. Then once they have made it through the cervix they have to make it to the tubes. 99% of the sperm that made it through the cervix is killed once it reaches the tubes. The strongest of the sperm that does make it into the tube has to sit and wait for the signal of the egg. Once the egg makes the signal to the sperm that it is ready it is a race to the finish. Once a sperm makes it into the egg, the other sperms are locked out and d

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