Welcome to America, where we have a president who tries to do good for the country, but just makes things worse. As most people seek out help in this society, they indeed expect that help to come from the government, the president- Barack Obama. We all know the most talked about topic of one of Obamas plans is the ObamaCare plan. According to Barack, this was suppose to be one of the best plans. Resulting in one of the worst plans! Obama, what happened to the whole plan of people having access to affordable health insurance and improving the quality of health insurance/care? Lets talk about the negatives of the ObamaCare plan, for one, we are all forced to buy health insurance. Two, employers are forced to provide health insurance benefits to workers so they have to cut back on how many full time employees they can have. Creating a overall nationwide job loss! Thirdly, people who do not choose to have health insurance, get a fine! Yes, maybe the little twelve percent of the world who are jobless or have a very low income,receive free or extremely discounted health insurance. What about the rest of the world though, like the middle class people? Not everyone in the world are jobless and not all middle class people can afford health insurance. The ObamaCare is suppose to be a plan to make things better for everyone, not make it easier for the lower class and harder for the other classes of people. What good is the ObamaCare plan doing, if while some people are being helped, others are being destroyed by this plan? No good! For those people who previously purchased their own health plan, cannot even keep it! Once their insurance plan is cancelled they must go to the ObamaCare insurance. The ObamaCare results in people paying more for the insurance plan and receiving less options of hospitals and doctors. So how does this ObamaCare plan insure millions? That is easy! In order to get the money to insure these millions, there are results