The use of toy guns have been popular since the early 1900s. In Sarah Nielsen Be Sure You're Right, Then Go Ahead: The Davy Crockett Gun Craze, she states that the NRA gets people to want to purchase guns through social media and toy guns. She then goes on to say that through this it will cause child delinquency. Children playing war in their backyard has always gone on and is just a part of their childhood. Social media and toy guns will have an affect of purchasing a gun but not on child delinquency. There are many ways people and groups can reach out to people through social media. One way is through television shows and movies. Sarah Nielsen states that the NRA is reaching out through televisions and movies to promote guns and get people to want to purchase them. Through these shows, the shooting scenes are more dramatic with certain music playing and slow motion. This will make the viewer more interested in the scene and keep them on the edge of their seat. Through camera angles of looking down the sights of the gun while it is being shot at the enemy, the audience will feel more plugged in, feeling as if though they are the ones holding and shooting the gun. If the scene is created good then people watching will feel like they want to do that themselves and will often go home and reenact scenes out. The audience seeing the characters in these shows and movies with guns will make them desire to have one too. It is something that not everyone has and is fun to shoot. It will make people more likely want to go purchase a gun and shoot at targets in their backyard. Through this, the NRA is promoting guns, showing that they are fun to shoot as long as it is at targets or for hunting or protection. Another way the NRA will try to promote guns is through access to toy guns for children wanting to play war in their backyard. Since long ago, children have always played war in their backyard without using a toy gun. They would instead