Domestic violence is something that occurs in many families. It has no preference. It can occur in the form of spousal abuse, child abuse and even elder abuse. It is said that every year, more than 3 (three) million children witness domestic violence in their homes. Children who live in homes where there is domestic violence also suffer abuse or neglect at high rates of 30 (thirty) to 60 (sixty) percent. This can cause negative psychological development. It affects people especially children's social emotional learning. The main problem is that people fail to notice the nature of the crime. Everyone has that friend that growing up is very quiet. He has friends and is very social, but no one knows what his personal life is like. Allow me to tell you the story of my childhood friend. To tell the whole copious story I have to start from the beginning. His name is John. He was a normal kid. He had friends; he played sports and studied hard in school. He was very outgoing and always needed something to do. John as a kid was barely home; it almost appeared like he was raising himself. We would always ask him questions about his family but all he would say was he is the only child and he lives with his mother and father. No one knew he was battling his own demons. One Friday after school I decided to go John's house to pick him up to go to the movies and just hang out. It was a normal just like any other day I go there. I was never allowed inside the house so I just stood in the hallway waiting for John to meet me. I always found it weird that I was so close to his house and could only use my imagination to figure out what goes on inside. But this day was different. As I was waiting in the hallway a grumpy mysterious man with an upset look on his face approached the door and began staring at me sitting on the staircase. The look he gave me was cold almost as if he was punching me with his eyes. He then goes in his pocket and pulls out a set of keys