
Abortion and the Right to Choose

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Abortion is "a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus" (Dictionary Definition). According to "Abortion: An Overview," from point of reference database, abortion "used to be legal in the US and England but was later prohibited unless necessary to save the mother's life  (Rich and Wagner). This has brought up lots of controversy between the Democratic and Republican parties. The reason for debate between the Democrats and Republicans concerning abortion, revolves around "whether or not an embryo or fetus is a person, or at what point an embryo or fetus becomes a person or achieves viability" (Rich and Wagner). There are many factors women face when choosing to abort a baby or not, some of which include relationship problems with the father, income issues, age issues, wrong timing, etc ¦ so based on the women's situation she must do what is the better choice for herself. Every woman should have full rights to make the decision of aborting her child or not, because ultimately she is the one baring the child. In the 1960s-1970s the US (along with other states) abortion laws became more prevalent as a necessary option because of incest, rape or health issues regarding the women. Since January 22, 1973 in Roe V. Wade, abortion has been declared legal, and is no longer prohibited in the US, which proves the importance of this option for women (Lee). Protecting this very important right of women is essential in every society. Every woman has their own right to decide if she would like to terminate her child's life and undergo an abortion, or to explore other options if she deems it necessary. Protecting this right of women is "not only a major public health concern, but human rights imperative  (Lee/Sprague). The state should not interfere or decide for women their personal matters in which affect her directly, because the women are the actual human beings sustaining the life of the child inside them. The decision to keep a child's life or to abort a child's life is a "fundamental right  (Lee/Sprague), and will greatly influence the women's health, personal and social life, economic standing and work circumstances. According to Student News Daily, " a fetus is not a human life, so it does not have separate individual rights ¦. The government

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