
Personal Story - Moldy Bread and Funky Cheese

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“It’s not what’s on the outside that matters, it’s what’s on the inside," is something I would hear a lot from my mother growing up. I wasn't the prettiest duckling in the nest; my legs were lanky and I looked like one of those anorexic children on TV, I also had a birthmark on my lip which brought about the nickname “burn lip." As I grew older my legs only grew longer and my “melon” which I called my head was excessive. Puberty took its toll and I was starting to get acne and my chest was starting to develop. I was becoming a young woman so my mother told me it was time to learn more about my body and the beauty within me. During childhood, my family and I were very religious and would get together on Friday nights for something we called devotion. In devotion we did many things and it would last up to two hours, including telling each other secrets. We sang songs from the hymnal and read a verse of choice from the Bible. We would each pray out loud to hear what we were thankful for and we would talk about what went on in our day. We would also learn lessons such as “the Golden Rule” and other principled values in life. Since I wasn’t the only child, devotion didn’t go without a little bit of “monkey business” so my mom called it. These types of monkey businesses ranged from giggling when we were praying to tapping each other when our eyes were supposed to be closed. We went from sitting still to pinching wars when mother wasn’t looking. Because we were monkeying around my mom decided to tell us a story. It was either listen to the story or go to bed, and as an eleven year old going to bed early was not the option. Mother said “pay close attention to this story girls you don’t want to miss it. Being a young woman with hair looking like a bird’s nest and legs longer than a giraffes’ neck, this story was more than a story it was my holy grail. Here’s how the story went: Agley was not the most app

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