Have you ever successfully joined a Discourse Community? Hi, my name is Hoang. The purpose of this paper is for me to share with you my discourse community. We know that discourse community is a group of people who share knowledge of a particular topic, similar backgrounds, and experiences, values, and common ways of communication. My discourse community is the Arlington High School Engineering Club. This was where I spent most of my time when I was in high school because it was a good environment to grow. When I first joined the club, I had no friends. The club seemed boring and I was not interested because I did not know anyone there. As I take more engineering classes, I got to meet new engineer students and made new connections. My Digital Electronic (D.E.) teacher believed I was his favorite student. The first few week of school, though, felt long and boring because everyone was talking to their friends and I was just there. Having no friends made school becomes a dull environment for me. For the most part, I was socially awkward. Making new friends is not one of my word in my vocab library. After joining the club for a year or so, I slowly made connections and got people to know me more. Since I did not talk often, whatever I decided to speak had to bring value to the conversation, and they respected me for that. When I was a senior, my last year in high school, I decided to run for president. With all the connections I had and most of the engineering club members were my friends, I was well respected by others, they voted for me. I was the president of the engineering club. Even though I started out as no one in the organization, I was missed by my friends, especially the Engineering Crew. I had friends. I mentioned the Engineering Crew. The Engineering Crew is a group of friends that I formed when I was still in high school. Most of the time we talked about projects that we can do. One of the project that I really like was the club t-shirt. But the Engineering Crew is not always about productive activities, we are humans, we do want to have fun. One of the events we had was the Paintball Saturday. We went together against some random strangers. What would be better than to have your friends on your side, right? Nope! we were against a professional team and got beat so hard that we can’t even walk. “Bruises make you look tough,” they said. LOL. Not really. It does not make you look tough, it makes you look like a wimp who can’t even walk. The second match was great. We actually had teamwork strategy. We arranged ourselves so that no one can break thro